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Health & Endurance: A Strategic Roadmap to Longevity & Wellness

Event Details

Sat June 24, 2023 - 8:00 AM CST — Sun June 25, 2023 - 12:15 PM CST

Location: San Antonio, TX

San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk
889 E Market St.
San Antonio, TX 78205
(210) 224-4555

Speaker: Daniel Murphy, DC, DABCO
Andre Camelli, DC

CEU: 12

Price: $185.00$260.00

About the Seminar

In this 12-hour CE accredited course, university professor & research expert Dr. Dan Murphy DC, DABCO collaborates with Dr. Andre Camelli to provide you with a roadmap to maximizing longevity & improving health. These two experts will show you how to optimize structure & function through poly-therapeutic intervention programs that develop superior clinical outcomes. In addition, Dr. Murphy, DC will discuss key physiological concepts. Seminar topics will include Chiropractic care, laser therapy, increasing ATP & mitochondrial function, diet, exercise, brain health and state-of-the-art technologies tailored for improving health & managing common clinical syndromes.

Dr. Andre Camelli furthers this knowledge by bringing low-level laser cellular effects into your practice. By integrating high-intensity interval training, strength training & other proven modalities, cellular ATP & lactic acid thresholds are positively affected to establish health & endurance for peak longevity.

Dr. Murphy & Dr. Camelli will expand your treatment options by showing you practical & easily repeatable hands-on techniques. While workshopping at this seminar, you will learn how to quickly implement these strategies, techniques & information for even greater success in your clinic.

Seminar Dates and Times:
Registration: 7:30am
Saturday, June 24th 8:00am - 5:30pm CST
Sunday, June 25th 8:00am - 12:15pm CST

$185.00$260.00Select options

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Seminar Topics

Clinical Physiology – Integrating infection, evolution, immunity, inflammation, fibrosis, blood flow, mitochondria, ATP, oxidative stress, and DNA.

Chiropractic for All – Integrating mechanical integrity in gravity, weight, load, levers, posture, mechanoreception, mechanotransduction, mechanobiology, tensegrity, neurology, blood flow, and DNA.

Current Laser Research from the 1960s to Present-Different types of lasers vs LEDs, high vs low power, safety considerations and contraindications

Healthy Diet for All – Integrating high vegetable, low lectin, low glycemic dietary habits.

Discussing problems with refined carbohydrates, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, and chemical toxins.

Exercise for All – Integrating high-intensity interval training, weight lifting, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, human growth hormone, and interleukin-10.

Laser Physiology – Discuss the biphasic nature of laser photon therapy, wavelength, frequency, speed of light, fluence, penetration, secondary and primary physiological influences:  mitochondria, free radicals, ATP, cytochrome c oxidase enzyme, and laser photon therapy

Supplements for All – Review why all people need between 5-8 different supplements and why.

Dr. Murphy’s Protocols for:

  • Gut
  • Brain
  • Back Pain
  • Whiplash
  • Fibrosis/Scar Protocol

Dr. Camelli’s Protocols for:

  • Exercise – Integrating high intensity interval training, weightlifting, brain derived neurotrophic factor, human growth hormone & post exercise oxygen consumption to improve ATP and lactic acid thresholds
  • Upper Extremity & Lower Extremity Evaluation & Treatment
    –         Orthopedic testing & functional assessment
    –         Low force adjusting techniques & instrument adjusting techniques
    –         Soft tissue techniques with a Percussor & manually
    –         Low-level laser techniques
    –         Workshop
View Syllabus