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CBS’s “The Doctors” Showcases the Remarkable Lunula Laser as a Solution for Nail Fungus

Top-Rated Daytime Talk Show Features a Confident and Dramatic Patient Result

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“We know our Lunula Laser can help so many people achieve healthy, clear nail growth without experiencing any harmful side-effects”

Erchonia, the leading low-level laser technology manufacturer in the world today announces the company’s Lunula Laser was featured on an episode of CBS’s hit show “The Doctors” which aired on Friday, October 19th, 2018.

Board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Glynis R. Ablon, MD, discusses and demonstrates the Lunula Laser’s unique capacity to zap away toe nail fungus. While other treatment options provide unsuccessful, painful or harmful results in comparison to the FDA Market Cleared Lunula Laser. Toe nail fungus is not only a U.S. problem, but a world-wide problem. It is estimated that 10% of the world is plagued by this condition.

In contrast to high-power, high-heat lasers which have been used to treat toe nail fungus, the new Lunula Laser produces a low-level or cold output that is non-thermal with no effect on the body’s tissue or nail bed. Instead, the non-invasive Lunula Laser offers impressive clinical response stemming from its two therapeutic wavelengths: 405 nm (violet) and 635 nm (red). Each wavelength performs a very specific function to provide a comprehensive solution for toe nail fungus.

“We were so pleased with the patient’s results and think “The Doctors” segment is the perfect way to introduce the Lunula Laser to a national audience,” says Charlie Shanks, VP of Erchonia Corporation. “We know our Lunula Laser can help so many people achieve healthy, clear nail growth without experiencing any harmful side-effects.”

About Erchonia
A small family company is changing the world with the most advanced non-invasive lasers on the market. Erchonia went from starting in a small garage in 1996 to selling their products in over 50 different countries around the world in 2018. Erchonia has been passionate about researching and developing low level lasers since the beginning with over (14) FDA clearances for treating chronic pain and promoting fat loss. As this family has grown so has the world of non-invasive drug-free healthcare solutions

Erchonia Submits Data to US FDA to Support Low-Level Laser 510(k) Market Clearance for Autism

Quadruple-Blind laser study proves success in treating Autism in children and adolescents.

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“The results are so strong, nobody can argue them.”

Erchonia, the World Leader in Low Level Laser technology, announces today that they have submitted data to the US FDA to support a 510(k) market clearance for Autism.

The clinical trial was a quadruple-blind (Participant, Care Provider, Investigator and Outcome Assessor), randomized, placebo-controlled, and crossover clinical trial. The study was designed to treat autistic children with the 640nm Erchonia Spectrum Laser as the active device or a 640nm LED or light emitting diode as a placebo device, which had the same power output. FDA input was obtained prior to clinical trial and implemented into the protocol.

Both test and placebo patients were treated twice a week for 4 weeks. Post-treatment follow-up on both sets of patients was performed after 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 6 months. At the end of 6 months, patients from the LED placebo group were crossed over and then given Erchonia’s Spectrum Laser treatment protocol. The results were documented and submitted to the US FDA for a 510(k) market clearance De Novo Application.

The inclusion criteria consisted of autistic children between the ages of 5 to 17 years old, and progress was measured by using the ABC or Aberrant Behavior Checklist as the primary diagnosis. The ABC 58-point symptom checklist was used to assess and classify behaviors of irritability and agitation; lethargy and social withdrawal, stereotypic behavior, hyperactivity and noncompliance, and inappropriate speech in children with developmental disorders. The ABC tests were performed at baseline, 2 weeks, and 4 weeks during the treatments phase, and 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 6 months post-treatment in both the treated and placebo groups.

“This is a well-designed trial that shows evidence supporting the use of Low Level Laser Therapy in children and adolescents with autism,” said Dr. Morales-Quezada, Associate Research Director at Spaulding-Labushagne Neuromodulation Center. “Moreover, the technique proved to be safe and well tolerated by the study participants. The active intervention showed to be more effective than the placebo (sham) device in treating symptoms of autistic disorder, and this statistically significant treatment effect was observed for all clinical outcomes, by the end of the intervention period and after the 6 months follow-up. This evidence offers a new treatment option to be considered for children and adolescents with autism.”

Calixto Machado, MD, PhD, FAAN, President of the Cuban Society of the Clinical Neurophysiology Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery agreed, “Results are so strong, nobody can argue them.”

Steven Shanks, President of Erchonia stated, “This study from a scientific perspective is one of the most stringent ways to perform a clinical trial. The original placebo patients have now acted as their own control group. The LED that was used as a placebo showed no results even though we used the same wavelength and power output.”

The Erchonia Spectrum Laser implemented in this clinical trial was a prototype laser and is not currently sold. While waiting for the 510(k) market clearance, Erchonia will start the development process for the new Erchonia Spectrum Laser.

Erchonia would like to thank Calixto Machado, MD, PhD, FAAN, Mauricio Chinchilla, MD, Yanin Ferrer, MD, and the University of Havana for their dedication to research and helping Erchonia with its latest achievement.

About Erchonia. Erchonia created the low-level laser category in January 2002 when the FDA granted Erchonia the very 1st 510(k) market clearance for any low-level laser. This new study further sets Erchonia apart from its competitors based on their commitment to research and numerous 510(k) market clearances obtained through blind and controlled clinical trials.

The Back Pain Solution



Dynamic Chiropractic August 2018


Low back pain will affect some 80 percent of all adult Americans at some point.(1) However, it’s not just an American problem. Low back pain is becoming more prevalent around the world. Worldwide, disability from low back pain has risen by more than 50 percent since 1990.(2)

As low back pain becomes a more international problem, the costs to patients, health care systems, and society escalates. In the U.S. alone, total costs associated with LBP exceed $100 billion per year, two-thirds of which are a result of lost wages and reduced productivity.(3)


Drugs Don’t Help


Traditional medical treatment of low back pain often involves prescription painkillers, particularly opioids. The risk of abuse and addiction with these drugs is well known. In 2016, the CDC issued revised prescribing guidelines that recommend sharply cutting the duration of any pain-killer prescription.(4) Most importantly, these drugs fail to be effective in the long term.

A 2016 meta-analysis of 20 studies of opioids for low back pain, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, found that opioid analgesics for chronic low back pain provided only modest short-term pain relief, and only for some patients. In many of the studies analyzed, more than half of the participants in the trial dropped out due to adverse side effects of these dangerous drugs. None of the studies showed clinically important pain relief (defined as more than 20 points improvement on a 100-point scale). Those who did get some relief from pain took doses that were much higher than recommended.

The meta-analysis brought out an important point about opioid studies: almost all are short term. Very few high-quality studies have looked at the long-term effects of opioid use for patients with chronic low back pain. A recent study that did look at a 12-month period found that treatment with opioids was no better than treatment with nonopioid medications such as ibuprofen for improving pain-related function.(5)

In addition to offering little help to patients, opioid drugs can make chronic pain worse. For some patients, using opioids can induce hyperalgesia, or a paradoxical response whereby patients who take these drugs become more sensitive to painful stimuli. The mechanisms behind hyperalgesia are still unclear, but the risk that painkilling drugs could make a patient more sensitive to pain is clear.6 Hyperalgesia is another potential harm to add to the long list of bad side effects of opioid use.


Better Solutions


The evidence is very clear: opioids not only aren’t a solution to low back pain, they’re harmful to patients and may make the pain worse. Nondrug treatments, such as nonthermal low-level laser therapy led by chiropractors, are far preferable. They’re safe, they’re supported by research, they work, and they’re cost effective.


A Breakthrough Tool For Chronic Low Back Pain


In July 2018, the Erchonia FX 635 low-level laser received official FDA clearance for relief of chronic low back pain—the first and only laser to be cleared for this purpose. Chiropractors now have a powerful new tool to help their patients relieve chronic low back pain and get back to work and normal activity.

Founded in 1996, Erchonia is the first company in the world to gain an FDA market clearance for the use of low level laser therapy. The company has 16 FDA 510(k) approvals for their equipment and more Level 1 clinical trials than all other therapeutic laser manufacturers combined.

The clinical trial conducted to obtain FDA clearance was designed to test the effectiveness of the Erchonia FX-635 in providing relief of chronic low back pain of musculoskeletal origin. The study was a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind parallel group multi-center design.

Fifty-eight people completed the study; half were treated with the laser and half were treated with a placebo (sham laser 635nm LED). All the participants rated their pain as 40 or greater on the 0 to 100 Visual Analog Pain Scale (VAS). The average duration of low back pain for the participants was 97.8 months (approximately eight years). The majority of the participants had had bilateral low back pain with an average pain rating of 59.10 on the VAS.

All the participants received eight 20-minute procedure administrations across the lower back region with the Erchonia FX-635 laser (active or sham) across a four-week period: two procedures per week, each procedure three to four days apart.

Of those who received the active laser treatment, 72.4 percent attained a 30 percent or greater decrease in chronic low back pain VAS rating from baseline to endpoint (see chart).

Chart 1 shows the response to laser treatment among the test group and those who received placebo treatment (635 nm LED, not a laser). Among the actual treatment group, VAS ratings dropped precipitously from 59 to 23 over eight weeks. Among the placebo group, the drop was only about 10 points and the improvement quickly leveled out.

No adverse events were reported during the study duration. At the end of three months, the reduction in pain was sustained, even though no additional treatment was administered after the first month.7 Low level laser treatment (LLLT) works by stimulating cell activation processes which, in turn, intensify physiologic activity. The light energy from the laser initiates a cascade of reactions that stimulate the mitochondria to increase the production of ATP. The laser light stimulates the release of natural healing chemicals that lead to rapid cell growth, increased metabolic activity, increased angiogenesis, improved vascular activity, suppression of the COX-2 inflammatory pathway, and decreased inflammation.

The specific wavelength (color) of the laser light is responsible for influencing the biochemical cascades. Research has shown that a wavelength of 635 nm is ideal for accelerating healing and reducing post-injury inflammation. The coherent, pulsed light delivered by the Erchonia laser insures deep tissue stimulation and absorption.

Laser treatment is painless. There’s no sensation of heat and the skin and tissue aren’t damaged in any way. The patient lies prone; the laser light is provided by the FX-635 using three diodes on an adjustable stand. The laser light is delivered to the lower back area in a moving circular pattern for twenty minutes. The patient does not need to be attended during this time.

The clearance of the FX-635 is a watershed moment for the chiropractic profession for treating low back pain.

(Erchonia Corporation www.Erchonia.com)



Rob Silverman, DC, DABCO



1. Lemeunier, N, Leboeuf-Yde, C, and Gagey, O. The natural course of low back pain: a systematic critical literature review. Chiropract Man Ther. 2012; 20: 33

2. Stephanie Clark, Richard Horton. Low back pain: a major global challenge. The Lancet. Volume 391, No. 10137, p2302, 9 June 2018. DOI: https://doi.org /10.1016/S0140- 6736(18)30725-6 |

3. William Thomas Crow, DO; David R. Willis, DO, MBA. Estimating Cost of Care for Patients with Acute Low Back Pain: A Retrospective Review of Patient Records. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, April 2009, Vol. 109, 229-233.

4. Deborah Dowell, MD; Tamara M. Haegerich, PhD; Roger Chou, MD. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain — United States, 2016; March 18, 2016, 65(1);1–49.

5. Krebs EE et al. Effect of Opioid vs Nonopioid Medications on Pain-Related Function in Patients with Chronic Back Pain or Hip or Knee Osteoarthritis Pain: The SPACE Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2018 Mar 6;319(9):872-882. doi: 10.1001/ jama.2018.0899.

6. Lee M et al. A comprehensive review of opioid-induced hyperalgesia. Pain Physician. 2011 Mar-Apr;14(2):145-61.

7. Market Clearance to Treat Chronic Low Back Pain.(FX 635) – 2018 – A Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Multi-Center






Erchonia Donates One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars’ worth of Low-Level Lasers to the New York College of Podiatric Medicine & Foot Center of New York

Pain-Free, Non-Surgical Laser Treatment Options


MELBOURNE, Fla. (PRWEB) July 25, 2018

We are pleased to announce New York College of Podiatric Medicine (NYCPM) & Foot Center of New York’s (FCNY) acquisition of several Erchonia low-level lasers, including both Lunula Lasers and FX 635 Lasers.  NYCPM provides unrivaled excellence in podiatric medical education and clinical experience.  Their students receive comprehensive academic training and directly-supervised clinical experiences that are second to none.

The Lunula and the FX 635 low-level lasers are non-invasive, pain-free, non-thermal, non-surgical and backed by clinical trials proving their safety and effectiveness.  The Lunula Laser is the 1st and only non-thermal FDA Market Cleared laser device for the temporary increase of clear nail for patients with onychomycosis, while the FX 635 is a low-level laser for the relief of chronic heel pain from plantar fasciitis.  These laser technologies are breakthroughs for pain-free treatments with no known side effects or contraindications.

The donated lasers will be used by doctors and their students at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine & Foot Center of New York as solutions for conditions common in the field of podiatry, such as acute and chronic heel pain and onychomycosis (toe nail fungus).

“We at NYCPM are excited to include this technology in the care of our patients with inflammatory heel pain or onychomycosis and in the education of our students” said Michael J. Trepal, Professor of Surgery, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean of the New York College of Podiatric Medicine.

Vice President of Erchonia Charlie Shanks said, “The Dean of New York College of Podiatric Medicine & Foot Center of New York, his staff, and students have created an environment that encourages a high standard of education.  We are proud that NYCPM and FCNY have trusted us to be a part of their ongoing education and help us bring awareness of low level laser therapy (3LT®) treatment options to the podiatry field.  This is a joyous occasion for the Erchonia family to be able to give back to those who have supported us and continue to help us reach our goal of being the world leaders in low level laser applications.”


For more information, please visit https://www.erchonia.com.


About Erchonia
A small family company is changing the world with the most advanced non-invasive lasers on the market. Erchonia went from starting in a small garage in 1996 to selling their product in over 50 different countries around the world in 2018. Erchonia has been passionate about researching and developing low level lasers since the beginning with over (15) FDA clearances for treating chronic pain and promoting fat loss. As this family has grown so has the world of non-invasive drug-free healthcare solutions.

FDA Market Clears Erchonia’s FX 635 Laser for Chronic Low Back Pain

First and Only FDA Market Cleared Low-Level Laser Treatment OptionMean back pain ratings across study with Erchonia's laser treatment

Erchonia Corporation announces another successful clinical trial that has resulted in the granting of an FDA 510(k) market clearance for chronic low back pain of musculoskeletal origin. This grants another first for Erchonia, which started the low-level laser category in January 2002.  That year, the FDA issued its first 510(k) market clearance for any low-level laser based on Erchonia’s clinical trial for chronic neck and shoulder pain.

This new indication for chronic low back pain is the only laser to be market cleared by the FDA.  Erchonia’s long history and dedication to the science of low-level laser therapy has led to 22 FDA 510(k) market clearances based on their patented laser systems.

About the study:  Erchonia through the pre-IDE process worked with the U.S. FDA on study design and success criteria. The success criteria were defined as a minimum of a 30% decrease in chronic low back pain and 35% of patients in the treated group would experience the minimum pain reduction compared to the placebo group.  Overall, 72% of patients met the success criteria. Steven Shanks, President of Erchonia stated, “We believe we have demonstrated that the use of non-thermal lasers has proven to be a far better option for treating low back pain than that of opioids or NSAIDS.”

A recent study published in JAMA in 2018 titled The Space Randomized Clinical Trial looked at chronic low back pain with opioids and NSAIDS over 1 year. Opioids demonstrated a 30% reduction in pain and NSAIDS proved a 34.5% reduction in pain. The publication concluded that “Results do not support initiation of opioid therapy for moderate to severe back pain or hip or knee osteo arthritis pain”.

Taking into consideration the minimal effectiveness (30%) and the opioid crisis along with the side effects of NSAIDS for chronic low back pain, doctors and patients may now have safer, more effective option for chronic low back pain of musculoskeletal origin that has been proven successful with no side effects or adverse events.

Erchonia would like to thank doctors Greg Roche, Trevor Berry and Paul Quarneri for their dedication to the science of low-level laser therapy and for helping them document this placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind, parallel group, multi-center clinical study.

For more information, please visit https://www.erchonia.com.

About Erchonia

A small family company is changing the world with the most advanced non-invasive lasers on the market. Erchonia went from starting in a small garage in 1996 to selling their product in over 50 different countries around the world in 2018. Erchonia has been passionate about researching and developing low level lasers since the beginning with over (15) FDA clearances for treating chronic pain and promoting fat loss. As this family has grown so has the world of non-invasive drug-free healthcare solutions.

Lunula Laser targets nail fungus WKRC June 2018

Dr. Ruth Ann Cooper talks about Lunula laser

Click Here for the Full Story

There’s something new to keep your toes healthy this summer sandal season. It’s a new laser to help your toenails look a whole lot better.

This “flip flop season”, Melinda Wigginton has a new “weapon” to keep her toes in tip top shape.

“It is a new laser that has been FDA cleared to target toenail fungus,” said Dr. Ruth Ann Cooper, a Podiatrist.

“My toenails were discolored but they started cracking and breaking,” said Wigginton.

So, Wigginton made the decision to work with Dr. Cooper. She’s a podiatrist who’s one of the first in the country to offer patients the Lunula Laser.

“It is painless, it is easy, and it’s effective,” said Dr. Cooper.

The laser stimulates blood flow and oxygen to promote new, clear nail growth.

The laser is using photochemistry to target the fungus. Photochemistry is the science of light and color.

Each treatment takes about 12 minutes, and you do need more than one treatment with the laser for the best results.

The good news is that after the procedure is completed, you can come back and use it as sort of preventative maintenance along with products to promote healthy toenails.

The laser is about $300 per session and it’s not covered by medical insurance plans.



OPIOID CRISIS – Dr. Dan Murphy’s Solution for Pain & Inflammation



Dynamic Chiropractic June 2018


Pain is a huge problem in America, and all Americans know that opiate drugs are not the solution to our pain problem. In her 2014 book, A Nation in Pain, Judy Foreman claims, “Out of 238 million American adults, 100 million live in chronic pain.” (1) A conservative estimate of the direct costs and lost productivity resulting from this pain is up to $635 billion yearly (2). Chronic pain affects every region of the body. Quantifying the anatomical regions for American’s chronic pain shows that the most significantly affected region is the lower back followed by (3):


Lower-Back Pain 28.1%

Knee Pain 19.5%

Severe Headache 16.1%

Neck Pain 15.1%

Shoulder Pain 09.0%

Finger Pain 07.6%

Hip Pain 07.1%


There is a high level of satisfaction by patients who seek treatment for spinal and other pain syndromes from chiropractors (4). It is argued that the physiological basis for the chiropractic benefit for pain suffers is the closure of the “pain gate.” (5) Yet, chiropractors often also use adjuncts to spinal adjusting for the treatment of pain syndromes. The rational for such adjuncts is that inflammation alters the threshold of the nociceptive system.

Most pain is a chemical event. Inflammatory chemicals irritate pain nerves. Understanding of the inflammatory chemical nature of pain was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1982. In 2007, the journal Medical Hypothesis states (6): 

“Every pain syndrome has an inflammatory profile consisting of the inflammatory mediator that are present in the pain syndrome. “The key to treatment of Pain Syndromes is an understanding of their inflammatory profile.” “The origin of all pain is inflammation and the inflammatory response.”

“Irrespective of the type of pain whether it is acute or chronic pain, peripheral or central pain, nociceptive or neuropathic pain, the underlying origin is inflammation and the inflammatory response.”

“Irrespective of the characteristic of the pain, whether it is sharp, dull, aching, burning, stabbing, numbing or tingling, all pain arises from inflammation and the inflammatory response.

Although there are many inflammatory chemicals related to pain, the best understood is an eicosanoid hormone-like chemical called Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). As depicted in the graph above, PGE2 is derived from the omega-6 fatty acid Arachidonic Acid (AA). AA itself is derived from vegetable oils, primarily corn, soy, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, peanut, and canola oils. As such, consumption of any of these vegetable oils is inflammatory and related to pain thresholds. When one consumes meat derived from animals fed any of these products one is consuming high quantities of pre-formed AA, increasing the likelihood of suffering from pain syndromes (7).

In the pain references text, Weiner’s Pain Management, published by the American Academy of Pain Management, it notes the following as a major cause of the modern epidemic of pain (8):

“Changes in the modern diet are largely responsible for the increasing incidence of essential fatty acid imbalances and deficiencies.”

“The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats has changed dramatically due to the widespread use of vegetable oils (mostly n-6 fats) in cooking and to the processing of oils.”

“Historical estimates place the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 oils at nearly 1:1 for prehistoric humans.”

By the turn of last century (1900), the ratio had increased to about 4:1. The current American ratio is about 25:1.

This text indicates that 100 years ago Americans consumed about two pounds of these inflammatory vegetable oils yearly; the current approximate level of consumption in 25 pounds yearly. The results are an explosion of inflammatory conditions, including pain, which are treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

As noted in the graph below on left, the conversion of the omega-6 fatty acid AA into inflammatory (and pain producing) PGE2 is controlled by a series of enzymes called cyclooxygenase, often abbreviated COX. The 1982 Nobel Prize details how the COX enzymes are inhibited by a group of drugs, mentioned in Weiner’s text, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). However, when these drugs (NSAIDs) are taken for chronic pain, there are many serious side effects. In 2003, the journal Spine states (9):

“Adverse reactions to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medication have been well documented.”

“Gastrointestinal toxicity induced by NSAIDs is one of the most common serious adverse drug events in the industrialized world.”

In 2006, the journal Surgical Neurology states (10): Blockage of the COX enzyme inhibits the conversion of arachidonic acid to the very pro-inflammatory prostaglandins that mediate the classic inflammatory response of pain.

Almost all patients who take the long-term NSAIDs will have gastric hemorrhage, 50% will have dyspepsia, 8% to 20% will have gastric ulceration, 3% of patients develop serious gastrointestinal side effects, which results in more than 100,000 hospitalizations, an estimated 16,500 deaths, and an annual cost to treat the complications that exceeds 1.5 billion dollars.

“NSAIDs are the most common cause of drug-related morbidity and mortality reported to the FDA and other regulatory agencies around the world.”

Other side effects attributed to the consumption of NSAIDs includes end-stage renal disease, heart attacks, strokes, erectile dysfunction, hearing loss, deep vein thrombosis, and increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease

A modern and proven effective non-drug approach to the treatment of pain, especially chronic pain, is the supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), found in fish oil. EPA is a precursor to the anti-inflammatory eicosanoid Prostaglandin E3 (PGE3). The only drawback to this approach (supplementation with high-dose quality fish oil) is the optimum benefit takes months of ingestion (10, 11, 12).

Is there a way to inhibit the COX enzymes for the treatment of both acute and chronic pain that is quick, effective, and safe, without side effects? The answer is yes, the application on low-level laser therapy.

A search of the National Library of Medicine using PubMed (3/29/2018) with the search terms “low-level laser therapy AND pain” locates 1,161 citations. A search of the National Library of Medicine using PubMed (3/29/2018) with the search terms “low-level laser therapy AND NSAID” locates 66 citations. Laser Therapy reference texts emphasize the ability of low-level laser to effectively treat pain without side effects. For example, the 2010 book titled The New Laser Therapy Handbook states (13):

“The effect of laser photon therapy [LPT] on inflammation is covered in many chapters of this book. The anti-inflammatory effect of LPT has been widely studied. LPT seems to have a similar effect to steroids and NSAIDs, but without the severe side effects of these very common pharmaceuticals.”

The authors indicate that laser therapy for pain control is enhanced if the laser is applied to both the painful region and the nerve roots that innervate the painful region. Other studies further emphasize the importance of applying the laser to the nerve roots. A particularly interesting study resulted in the successful management of 35 patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome; the laser therapy was not applied to the wrist but rather to the nerve roots that innervate the wrist (14).

There are advantages to being capable of doing both regions simultaneously.

An important study documenting the ability of low-level laser therapy to inhibit COX enzymes resulting in a significant reduction in inflammatory chemicals was published not in a laser journal, but rather in a cancer journal, Support Care Cancer (15). After exposing animals to caustic inflammatory chemicals (fluorouracil), they were randomly assigned to either a control group (no laser) or to low-level laser therapy. At four time points, tissue samples were immunohistochemistry assessed from both groups by a blinded examiner. The authors found that the laser therapy group “was accompanied by a significantly lower level of COX-2 staining.”

Interestingly, increasing the laser fluence (increasing the milliwatts by 3X) did not further enhance the clinical outcomes. In contrast, such higher laser fluence reduced the clinical benefit to the level of the control group (no laser). This suggests that laser therapy is not linear, but rather hormetic (bell shaped curve). The authors concluded:

“The tissue response to laser therapy appears to vary by dose. Low-intensity laser therapy appears to reduce the severity of mucositis, at least in part, by reducing COX-2 levels and associated inhibition of the inflammatory response.”

Thousands of chiropractors are using low-level laser therapy as an adjunct to chiropractic and nutrition in the management of their pain patients. Low-level laser therapy is quick, effective, and safe, and earned FDA clearance in 2002. (Erchonia Corporation www.Erchonia.com)



Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO



1) Foreman J; A Nation in Pain, Healing Our Biggest Health Problem; Oxford University Press; 2014.

2) Pho, K; USA TODAY, The Forum; September 19, 2011; pg. 9A.

3) Wang S; Why Does Chronic Pain Hurt Some People More?; Wall Street Journal; October 7, 2013.

4) Adams J, Peng W, Cramer H, Sundberg T, Moore C; The Prevalence, Patterns, and Predictors of Chiropractic Use Among US Adults; Results From the 2012 National Health Interview Survey; Spine; December 1, 2017; VOL. 42; No. 23; pp. 1810–1816.

5) Kirkaldy-Willis WH, Cassidy JD; Spinal Manipulation in the Treatment of Low back Pain; Canadian Family Physician; March 1985; Vol. 31; pp. 535-540.

6) Omoigui S; The biochemical origin of pain: The origin of all pain is inflammation and the inflammatory response: Inflammatory profile of pain syndromes; Medical Hypothesis; 2007, Vol. 69; pp. 1169–1178.

7) Hyman M; Eat Fat, Get Thin: Why the Fat We Eat Is the Key to Sustained Weight Loss and Vibrant Health; Little, Brown and Company, 2016.

8) Boswell M, Cole BE, editors; Weiner’s Pain Management: A Practical Guide for Clinicians; American Academy of Pain Management; Seventh Edition; 2006, pp. 584-585.

9) Giles LGF, DC, PhD; Reinhold Muller R; Chronic Spinal Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Medication, Acupuncture, and Spinal Manipulation; Spine; July 15, 2003; Vol. 28; No. 14; pp. 1490-1502.

10) Maroon JC, Bost JW; Omega-3 Fatty acids (fish oil) as an anti- inflammatory: an alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for discogenic pain; Surgical Neurology; 65 (April 2006); pp. 326–331.

11) Cleland LG, James MJ, Proudman SM; Fish oil: what the prescriber needs to know; Arthritis Research & Therapy; 2006; Vol. 8; No. 1; 202. 12) Goldberg RJ, Katz J; A meta-analysis of the analgesic effects of omega- 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation for inflammatory joint pain; Pain; May 2007; Vol. 129; No. 1-2; pp. 210-223.

13) Tuner J, Hode L; The New Laser Therapy Handbook, Prima Books, 2010. 14) Wong E, Lee G, Zucherman J, Mason DT; Successful management of female office workers with “repetitive stress injury” or “carpal tunnel syndrome” by a new treatment modality–application of low-level laser; International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics; April 1995; Vol. 33; No. 4; pp. 208-211.

15) Lopes NN, Plapler H, Chavantes MC, Lalla RV, Yoshimura EM, Alves MT; Cyclooxygenase-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in 5-fluorouracil-induced oral mucositis in hamsters: evaluation of two low-intensity laser protocols; Support Care Cancer; November 2009; Vol. 17; No. 11; pp. 1409-1415.


Daniel Murphy, DC, DABCO is a well-recognized, award winning chiropractor and a popular instructor who teaches internationally while maintaining a part-time clinical practice. He has taught over 1,610 twelve-hour postgraduate continuing education classes. He also serves as part-time undergraduate faculty professor at Life Chiropractic College West, where he is currently teaching classes to seniors in the management of spinal disorders. He has taught post-graduate classes for a long list of chiropractic colleges and individual programs. He is a contributing author to several books and a quarterly columnist in the American Journal of Clinical Chiropractic. From 2003 – 2009, Daniel Murphy, DC, DABCO served as the Vice President of the International Chiropractic Association. In 2014, he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehabilitation (IAFNR).





Laser Collaboration, 33 Partners from Around the Globe Represented ~ Erchonia 2018

World’s Laser Therapy Advocates Convene in Orlando, FL, USA on May 3rd-4th, 2018

before and after laser treatment


MELBOURNE, FLA. (PRWEB) MAY 01, 2018 We are verging on a global precipice: the increase in the number of debilitating brain diseases is growing exponentially, obesity rates are skyrocketing, more than ever before, patients who experience pain are becoming addicted to opioids. Traditional medicine is on the brink of a revolution in the healing arts; this revolution is called low-level laser therapy (3LT®)!  Florida based low-level laser technology manufacturer Erchonia Corporation will host their annual Partner’s Meeting at the Hyatt Regency Orlando on May 3rd-4th, 2018.  With over 2 decades of published laser research and 15 FDA 510(k)s on laser therapy leading up to this conference, the advancements in medicine and laser therapy will impress attendees and international partners alike.

World renowned researchers and scientists will prepare substantiated lectures reviewing existing low-level laser FDA market clearances and disclose (3) new, Level (I) clinical trials, their applications and the long-term developments for low-level laser therapy.  The new laser application line-up includes brain diseases, low back pain and peripheral neuropathy just to name a few.

“We are very excited by the growth that we are achieving across the world.  We are confident Erchonia Lasers will continue to prove to be ‘THE’ prominent choice for those seeking laser therapy.  The impeccable presenter line-up we have scheduled is like none other.” -Charlie Shanks, VP of Erchonia Corp

Researchers, International Partners and Erchonia Laser Enthusiasts are invited to share in a goldmine for laser therapy.  The educational meeting will be followed by a cocktail reception at The Red Coconut Club at Universal City Walk where attendees will meet the presenters from around the globe.

*New indications discussed during this event are going through FDA clinical trials.  Go to www.ClinicalTrials.gov, search “Erchonia”.  Devices for new indications have not been FDA market cleared.  New devices will not be introduced to market until FDA 510(k) is obtained.

Founded in 1996, Erchonia Corporation is the world leader in low-level laser technology. The company created the low-level laser category in 2002 when it received an FDA 510(k) market clearance for low-level lasers. Erchonia was the first company to receive this FDA 510(k) distinction. For more information, visit www.erchonia.com or call 888-242-0571.

For additional information, image and interview requests, contact Erchonia Corporation (888) 242-0571.

Related Links https://www.Erchonia.com



Low Level Laser Therapy for 360°- Degree Body Sculpting

Michael H. Gold, M.D., FAAD from Gold Skin Care Center presenting Thursday 5th April @ 10:00AM at AWMC 2018 ~ Monaco.



Verjú LLLT by Erchonia, FDA Cleared for circumferential reduction of the waist, hips and thighs and temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite will be featured on the programme at the Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine Congress 2018.  The Verjú laser produces a low-level output that has no thermal effect on the body’s tissue.  Its unique technology does not kill or damage fat cells, but instead creates a transitory pore in each cell for the fat to leak out, which is then processed naturally through the lymphatic system, leaving the cell intact for important endocrine function.

The 510(k) is a premarketing submission to the FDA that demonstrates that the device marketed is safe and effective. The premarket approval for the 510(k) is the most rigorous type of device marketing application accepted by the FDA.  The Verjú Laser System obtained its 1st 510(k) clearance in 2012.

Verjú Study Results – NO lifestyle changes – Published in American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery for Body Contouring and Lasers in Surgery in Medicine for Appearance of Cellulite.  There were no adverse events in either study.

A world leading Dermatologist and Cosmetic Surgeon, Michael H. Gold, M.D., FAAD, will present Thursday 5th April @ 10:00AM.  Dr. Gold’s message is ‘A Better You’!

Simon Ramshaw, Managing Director of Erchonia Lasers LTD. comments, “Having an expert such as Dr. Gold recognize the quality of our research and the clinical utility of Erchonia’s Verjú Laser

System is truly an honor.  Quality clinical research is pivotal for our overall success.  Erchonia’s commitment to research stands out in aesthetic medicine.”

Founded in 1996, Erchonia Corporation is the world leader in low-level laser technology. The company created the low-level laser category in 2002 when it received an FDA 510(k) market clearance for low-level lasers. Erchonia was the first company to receive this FDA 510(k) distinction. For more information, visit www.erchonia.com or call 888-242-0571.

For additional information, image and interview requests, contact Erchonia Lasers Ltd at +44(0)1491 821135.

Related Links https://www.Erchonia.com





 class IV lasers' impact on cancer cells
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) reports that 39.6 percent of all Americans will receive a cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives. The NCI goes on to explain that cancer is one of the top causes of death across the globe, with new diagnoses expected to increase twofold-from 14 million to 22 million-within the next twenty years. Because of statistics like these, many researchers are working diligently to learn more about cancer cells, as well as to discover what makes them form and grow. One area of study they’ve spent some time in recently involves the use of medical lasers. Class IV lasers, specifically.

Lasers and cancer cell research

One such study was published in the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation’s PM&R Journal in November of 2017. This particular piece of research involved the use of two different types of cells: saos-2 osteoblast-like osteosarcoma cells and A549 human lung carcinoma cells.

After preparing the culture plates, each one was subjected to laser irradiation either one, two, or three times with d:YAG lasers, the power output ranging from 0.5 to 3 watts. Approximately 24 hours after receiving the last laser application, the plates were analyzed to see what change, if any, existed to the cells.

It was during this analysis that researchers discovered that, the more laser applications a specific culture plate received, the higher the proliferation rate, or the more these cancerous cells increased in number, when compared to control plates. Thus, they concluded that this type of laser therapy “could activate precancerous cells or increase existing cancerous tissue.”

Other studies have found similar results. For instance, in November of 2009, BMC Cancer published a study involving mice with melanoma cells. For purposes of this particular study, some of the mice served as the control, some were exposed to three sessions of irradiation lasting 60 seconds each (dose 150 J/cm2), at the rate of one per day for three days, and the rest were exposed to three sessions of irradiation lasting 420 seconds (dose 1050 J/cm2).

Upon conclusion of the final session, each mouse was analyzed to see if there were changes in the melanoma cells. The group that was exposed to 60 seconds of lower level laser therapy (150 J/cm2) showed results “not significantly
different from the controls.”

However, the same could not be said for the other mice, the ones exposed to the more powerful laser doses (1050 J/cm2), as the researchers reported that they experienced “significant increases in tumor volume, blood vessels and cell abnormalities compared to other groups.


So, are medical lasers safe?

Findings like these underline the importance of using lasers with the appropriate strength and within the appropriate
class to obtain the desired medical result without risking the patient’s health and safety.

This involves using lasers within the lower classifications (Class I, 11, or Ill) as many of these have been found safe for enhancing health and wellness without impacting a person’s risk of cancer or increasing their cancerous cell activity. It also means using lasers from an FDA approved company, thus  protecting yourself as well as your patients.

Class IV medical lasers defined: cancer cell

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adds to the topic by sharing that lasers can be placed in one of four hazard classes, ranging from Class I to Class IV, with some of these classes containing subclasses within them. However, For simplicity’s sake, the FDA says that the best way to understand the differences is, “the higher the class, the more powerful the laser is and the greater the potential to pose serious injury if used improperly.” Because these are the highest level of lasers, this causes many to question what impact they may have on the human body. Specifically, some researchers have set out to discover what effect they may have on cancerous and precancerous cells.



1. The National Cancer Institute – https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/understanding/statistics

2. American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation’s PM&R Journal in November of 2017 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29160001

3. BMC Cancer – https://bmccancer.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2407-9-404

4. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – https://www.fda.gov/Radiation-EmittingProducts/RadiationEmittingProductsandProcedures/HomeBusinessandEntertainment/LaserProductsandInstruments/default.htm

*The material presented is being made available for educational purposes only. This article was compiled based on research collected through online and medical publications. Erchonia is not liable for any use you may make of such information. The views are presented to inform readers of possible dangers of high powered lasers. All of the opinions presented do not present any medical claims not currently stated through government agencies. The approaches, information and opinions may not be applicable to all cases, and each health care provider must use their own independent medical judgment in treating any individual patient or condition.