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How to Reduce the Need to Prescribe Opioids for Back Pain

Opioids are a family of medications commonly prescribed to treat back pain. Unfortunately, over the past few decades, a rise in opioid prescriptions has led to a rise in misuse, addiction, and overdoses. As a result, physicians have been tasked with weighing the possible benefits of opioid use against its risks. What is required is effective non-opioid alternatives that have an acceptable low-risk profile, like Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), to treat musculoskeletal pain.

Apart from the LLLT and opiate pain medications, other therapies include steroid injections, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and surgery. However, patients should be aware of the specific risks associated with each approach. This article teaches how to reduce opioids prescriptions for back pain by using LLLT and other alternatives.

What are Opioids and How Do They Work

Also known as narcotics, opioids are medications prescribed by physicians to treat severe or chronic pain. They are commonly used by patients experiencing acute postoperative pain, people with chronic back aches or headaches, and those having severe pain due to cancer. Doctors can recommend opioids to children and adults who have suffered severe injuries after a fall, car accident, and other incidents.


How do these medications work? Opioids attach to opioid receptors in the brain, gut, spinal cord, and other body parts and block pain messages sent via the spinal cord to the brain. While they relieve pain, increased use of opioids can have serious risks and lead to addiction.

In most cases, opioids are taken in pill form, but they can also be taken as lollipops or lozenges. Doctors may also administer them through IV, injection, or a patch placed on the patient’s skin. Because of their side effects, opioids should be used only under a doctor’s supervision.

Different Types of Opioids and Potential Side Effects

There are many types of opioids that doctors prescribe. They come in different names, including:

  • Morphine
  • Codeine
  • Fentanyl
  • Hydrocodone
  • Oxycodone
  • Oxymorphone

They are sold under different brand names like Percocet, Palladone, OxyContin, and Vicodin. Sleepiness, nausea, and constipation are commonly reported opioid side effects. However, there are other life-threatening side effects of an opioid overdose that should be reported to a physician as soon as possible. They include:

  • Slowed heart rate
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Shallow breathing

Addiction can also occur after prolonged use of opioids and patients may find themselves taking more drugs to relieve the pain.

Low-Level Laser Therapy as an Alternative to Prescribing Opioids for Back Pain

The majority of people have experienced back pain at some point in their lives and some of them end up developing chronic back pain. In search of a cost-effective and safe treatment that can reduce opioid prescription for back pain, LLLT was developed and is being used by various specialties worldwide.

low back pain laser treatment

What is LLLT?

Also known as Low-Level Laser Therapy or Photobiomodulation, Low-Level Laser Therapy is a low-intensity light therapy that causes biochemical changes within body cells. It is a non-invasive low-light treatment with no sound, heat, or vibration.

LLLT is likened to the photosynthesis process in plants, where cellular photoreceptors absorb photons and trigger chemical changes. Many physiotherapists use LLLT to treat lower back pain. Different wavelength lasers (varying from 632 to 904 nm) are used to treat musculoskeletal pain. These wavelengths can penetrate soft or hard tissue and skin to treat inflammation, pain, and tissue repair.

laser therapy treatment for neck pain

Potential LLLT Benefits

Low-Level Laser Therapy is one of the best options that can provide pain reduction or relief, especially for patients seeking treatment that does not require surgery or medication. Since the therapy is a non-invasive procedure, it doesn’t require prolonged recovery. LLLT addresses several orthopedic conditions and promotes faster healing. Also, there are no severe side effects associated with LLLT when used appropriately by a doctor.

While LLLT is a non-invasive procedure and promotes faster healing, patients may take a series of treatments to get total relief. The number of treatments can range from 8 to 30, depending on the duration and severity of the pain.

Other Alternative Treatments for Back Pain

Apart from LLLT, other alternatives to opioid use for back pain relief are available. Non-opioid drugs that are available by prescription or over the counter include acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin (Bayer), ibuprofen (Motrin), and steroids. Patients who want to avoid the side effects of opioids may prefer using these drugs.

Also, a doctor may recommend other non-drug therapies that can be effective alone or in combination with pain relief drugs. These therapies include:

Physical therapy

A physician or a physical therapist specializing in rehabilitation and physical medicine may recommend an exercise program to help decrease back pain and improve your overall health. Deep muscle massage, whirlpools, and ultrasound may help relieve pain too. Motor control exercise helps restore, control, coordinate, and strengthen muscles supporting and controlling the spine.

back pain treatment


Patients have reported finding pain relief in acupuncture, where thin needles are inserted at different spots in the skin to interrupt pain signals. The therapy is well-tolerated with less serious side effects.


Surgery may be the next option for severe back pain that persists for six to twelve weeks of other nonsurgical treatments. In rare cases, an immediate surgery procedure is performed for low back pain.

A doctor may recommend a decompression surgical procedure to alleviate back pain due to pinched nerves. Surgery may be performed if the patient is unable or has limited ability to function normally in everyday life.


Back pain injections help treat inflammation and spinal stenosis. Also, physicians use injections to treat other back pain types. They may use nerve block injections, discography, or epidural injections.

In pain management, clinicians may recommend the use of opioids. While the safest possible treatment is to stop opioid prescription for back pain, abrupt cessation of opioid medication can also have adverse effects on the patient. Patient safety should be the top consideration in treatment procedures, and doctors should focus on other alternatives to an opioid prescription for back pain.

Related Reading: Laser Therapy and Chiropractic Care: How They Work Together

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How Erchonia Low Level Laser Therapy Works

Visible vs. Infrared Lasers

There is so much misinformation about the science of low-level lasers and how manufacturers have manipulated the science to gain a sales advantage – it is hard to separate fact from fiction. One example is; that longer wavelengths penetrate deeper. However, this “marketing claim” is backed by no clinical research and goes against the established physics of light. Published literature demonstrates that depending on the laser wavelength either a photochemical or photophysical reaction will occur.


The first law of Photochemistry states, that the energy in the photon (electron volt or EV) has to be absorbed by the cell to create a photochemical effect in the body. Photochemical reactions in tissue only occurs with visible light, this is well known and has been published in many papers and scientific journals. Visible light (400nm – 660nm) has sufficient energy to displace electrons in atoms to a higher energy state, without causing ionization. Once the energy inside the cell is absorbed the cell then uses what energy it needs then passes the excess energy to the next cell. The more energy (ev) the photon has the more energy it has the pass on to the next cell, then the next to create a stronger photochemical effect. For this reason, high energy photons from visible light are capable of creating greater systemic effects than longer wavelengths, since the initial electron charge is higher the more transfer of elections is possible

The easiest way to understand how photochemistry works would be to look at biochemistry or how drugs work. If you are taking 200mg of a drug like an NSAID you swallow the pill, it enters your stomach and after your stomach starts to break down the drug it starts a biochemical response that reduces inflammation. There is a therapeutic dose that is most optimal, by increasing the dose all you are doing is increasing milligrams and the side effects. Biochemical responses are not natural, unlike laser light which is natural and with visible light there are no known side effects.  Each wavelength of visible light (red, blue, green) will produce a distinct photochemical effect, through similar, if not the same biological pathways of pharmaceutical drugs. Published research from The University of Chicago Illinois (UCSD) and other Universities using the Erchonia laser, that depending on the condition there is a peak wavelength absorption for simulating the desired biological pathways such as reducing apoptosis, necrosis, TNF-a, mitochondria production, stem cells, nerve regeneration, immune function, etc. 

Infrared Lasers (Photophysical Effects)

Infrared Light (IR) is not energetic enough to initiate photochemical processes, instead, the result of infrared absorption is heat formation due to a increase in molecular vibrational activity, this is referred to photophysical effect. For direct photochemistry to occur, it is reported the (eV) must be 1.7eV, equal to 730nm. In fact, since the photon energy is so low in the IR wavelengths, the light is strongly absorbed by water molecules leading to superficial heating of the skin (Georgia State University), which is contrary to the propaganda that manufacturers state that these wavelengths penetrate deeper than visible light.

The longer the wavelength 730nm-12,000nm the less energy (ev) in the photon.  By increasing the laser power all you are doing is shooting out less energetic (ev) photons. Again, the shorter the wavelength the more energy the photon, when you get below 380nm there is so much energy in the photon that the body does not absorb the energy and the photons bounce off the bone which is how x-rays work. These lower wavelengths are so energetic they are referred to as ionizing radiation and due to the high energy photons, they can cause cancer. 

Infrared lasers are absorbed by the water in the upper layers of the tissue, the water starts vibrating and slowly starts a warming reaction by the cells vibrating in humans and plants. By increasing the power of the laser all you are doing is heating the tissue faster.  Tissue ablation works by increasing power in microseconds to the point where you are killing the upper layers of the dermis (apoptosis) for skin rejuvenation. Increasing power does not increase how far the laser penetrates unless you are measuring how deep the heating of the tissue will reach. 

Contact our Erchonia team if you would like more information on low level laser therapy.

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How Erchonia Low Level Laser Therapy Works

How Does Red Light Therapy Work?

Red light therapy, also referred to as Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation (PBM), is a safe, non-invasive treatment. So, how does red light therapy work and how does it apply to your practice?

Medical professionals have found it beneficial in helping treat various conditions including chronic neck and shoulder pain, chronic lower back pain, and over three-hundred nociceptive pain issues.

Its non-invasive nature and effectiveness have made red light therapy devices popular among patients who do not want to resort to painkillers. With the opioid crisis spiraling, this type of technology should be considered by medical practitioners. Especially, those who are looking for alternatives to prescription drugs for their patients.

The technique works by exposing skin cells to concentrated wavelengths of low-level red light targeted to help increase cell reproduction. Here’s a deeper dive into how red light technology works.

The Body’s Powerhouse

Red light therapy works by affecting the body’s mitochondria – also referred to as the body’s powerhouse. Mitochondria is responsible for fueling the body and more specifically each cell. They are similarly described as the body’s power plant because they produce adenosine triphosphate which a cell can use as energy.

Scientists have discovered an undeniable relationship between the mitochondria’s optimum performance and the body’s overall wellness. The sub-optimal performance of mitochondria leads to undesirable physical effects such as aches and pains, unhealthy skin, and immune deficiencies.

Light is capable of providing the body with various nutrients that contribute to overall wellness. An excellent example of this is how the skin synthesizes vitamin D from sunlight while blue light affects the circadian rhythm and, consequently, your sleep pattern.

Both UV light and blue light are part of a group of lights known as bioactive lights. Near-infrared light and red light initiate a biochemical reaction that supports the mitochondria’s ability to absorb oxygen.

Increased oxygen absorption has the potential to improve cell regeneration and healing. Red light puts temporary stress on the skin cells giving the potential of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant responses. Healthier skin cells are nurtured by these responses. Applying temporary stress is like exercising. It’s putting temporary stress on your body subsequently improving overall health.

The best part is that red light laser therapy has proven to show virtually no side effects. It doesn’t need any heat or freezing temperatures and doesn’t require any downtime. Importantly, it causes no unnecessary pain.

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Why You Should Use Low-Level Lasers for Chronic Pain at Your Practice

Low-level light laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment that has been used in the medical field for decades to aid in the rebuilding of the body at a cellular level. It has rapidly grown in popularity as a form of treatment for a wide variety of common ailments.

It’s a drug-free, non-invasive form of inflammation treatment that has been researched and studied, with many clinical trials to back its effectiveness. Studies show success in patients with chronic lower back pain as well as those with chronic neck pain, and those recovering from injury or surgery.

In this guide we will walk you through everything you need to know about setting up a low-level laser therapy program with success in your medical office.

The Benefits of Low-Level Laser Therapy for Your Practice

It is a low-risk, cost-effective treatment that can help relieve pain and shorten recovery time for various needs. In addition to the pain relief mentioned above, this technology can support recovery from conditions like plantar fasciitis and onychomycosis. The low-light laser technology can be integrated into various healthcare fields including physiotherapy and podiatry.

Drug free and non invasive laser therapy treatment being used on woman for chronic neck pain

It’s not hard to see why this is such an attractive option for many physicians. Here’s a few benefits that low-light laser therapy brings to your medical establishment:

  1. The non-pharmaceutical treatment can attract more patients to your office who do not want drugs as their primary solution.
  2. There are rental options and financing opportunities that can ease the burden of outright purchasing this laser technology equipment. In some cases, this allows more liquidity and increased cash on-hand.
  3. Using low-level laser therapy at your practice helps you serve the growing number of people in the United States with back pain. According to the CDC, 39% of Americans experienced back pain in 2019. Equipping your practice with a variety of treatment options for chronic back pain, including low-level laser therapy can help you treat a larger demand and increase patient flow.
  4. It can help you treat different medical conditions, including fat loss in obese patients (up to 40 BMI), toenail fungus, plantar fasciitis, and lower back pain. It allows you to provide effective treatment for your patients. For example, your clients won’t need to worry about side effects and long downtimes as with some traditional surgeries or procedures. The cold laser therapy device uses lower frequencies and wavelengths, ensuring tissue protection.
  5. Low-light laser therapy promotes a shorter recovery period for your patients. It is non-invasive, and your customers can overcome health concerns like chronic pain without excessive, added pain. Today, many people understand the importance of non-invasive treatment. It could explain why many shy away from traditional surgeries.

Tips to Achieve the Benefits of Low-Light Laser Therapy

Now that we’ve delved into some of the benefits, here’s some tips on how to make them happen at your practice. Here’s where to start:

Review Your Patient Demographics

One of the best ways to satisfy your patients is by understanding their demographics. Diving into where they are from and what geographical issues impact their lives will allow you to get a better understanding of what they want to achieve with the treatment.

You’ll likely deal with older adults, personal injury patients, and athletes. Understanding everyone’s unique needs ensures you deliver customized services.

Don’t Ignore Marketing Your Service

Regardless of the service you provide, marketing is essential. This is especially true for professionals offering low-light laser therapy. For example, your patients will want to know how this treatment can help them recover.

How do you reach out to potential clients? How will you help them to understand that low-light laser therapy is effective? This is where marketing your service comes into play.

Incorporate a broad range of marketing strategies, including social media posts and direct mailing. Here are tips to get you started:

  • Press releases
  • Radio & print ads
  • Videos to explain your service
  • Office brochures and posters

These marketing strategies will help you explain the low-light laser therapy to potential patients to evaluate whether they need it. For example, you can describe the protocols, process, and what they can achieve with the treatment. Keep everything simple to leverage the power of marketing.

Educate Your Staff About Low-Light Laser Therapy

If you’re looking to integrate new technology into your medical practice, education can give you the confidence you need. You can leverage the available online materials, including research, tips, videos, and webinars to equip your employees with knowledge and skills.

You also need to know what to expect when dealing with different patients. How will you handle temperamental patients? When marketing your service, don’t over promise your potential patients. Explain what they need to expect after treatment and deliver high-quality services as promised.

Low-light laser therapy might be foreign to many individuals, but it has proven to be effective. Practitioners can leverage this to succeed in their service delivery.

Get the Best Out of Your Laser Therapy Equipment

The first step to getting your low-light laser therapy program up and running is to research the right equipment for your practice. Here are some essentials to look for when shopping for low-level laser therapy machines.

The Intensity of the Laser Beam

The intensity of the laser beam is an essential consideration when deciding which device is suitable for your practice. Low-intensity beams are used more often than high-intensity beams because they have a softer range of frequencies and can be tolerated by more people.

For example, suppose an individual has sensitive skin. In that case, they may not tolerate higher levels of intensity from a low-level laser beam. Still, they could tolerate it from a more moderate or low-intensity beam depending on their specific skin sensitivity level and duration exposure time needed per day.

The Type of Laser Therapy Device

When considering a laser therapy device for your practice, you’ll need to decide what type of light is best for your patients. The type of treatment you choose depends on the condition being treated and the experience level of the clinician.

A few different types of treatments include low-level lasers, high-power lasers, and infrared light. If you’re starting with a low-light laser therapy program in your practice, it’s best to start with a low-level laser or infrared light device.

The Wavelength

Wavelengths are also important when selecting a device. They determine which type of tissue will be stimulated by the treatment process and how deep into those tissues it will reach to reduce inflammation and pain.

Low-light laser therapy is a cost-effective way to offer your patients safe and effective treatment. With the proper guidance and enough research, you can have a successful low-laser light therapy program.

Learn about Erchonia’s new FDA market cleared FX 635. the only laser on the market proven through clinical trials to treat chronic low back pain.

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How Erchonia Low Level Laser Therapy Works

True Lasers vs. LEDs

There are numerous lasers and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) available that work for various medical applications. While LEDs may be effective in some instances, many fall short of the true potential power that real laser therapy offers. When compared to true lasers, LEDs can only deliver a smaller portion of energy into the body tissue. Alternatively, low-level laser therapy can provide more robust energy delivery and can apply to numerous medical situations.

What Is Laser Light?

The term laser stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. A laser is a mechanism designed to emit electromagnetic radiation through the process of stimulated emission. It concentrates its power into packets of energy called photons that penetrate the body’s tissues, allowing physicians to effectively target a treatment area, such as treating chronic back pain.

Some of the main characteristics of laser light include:

  • Monochromatic: Laser light consists of a narrow range of wavelengths, making lasers ideal for absorption into the tissue. 
  • Coherent: Coherence is one of the most important aspects of laser light, responsible for the total distance traveled and the penetration capabilities of the light. Light coherence is what makes the light energy able to have a beneficial effect on a deeper level.

What Are LEDs?

A light-emitting diode, more commonly referred to as an LED, is a light emitting diode. An LED has characteristics between a laser and a light bulb. When an LED activates, the electrons can reconnect with electron holes located in the device. This reconnection causes an energy release in the form of photons. The color of the emitted light directly defines the light’s properties and corresponding energy emission.

Earlier forms of LEDs would emit red light of low intensity. With modern innovations, LEDs are available in a more extensive selection of wavelengths, including infrared, which is often required for deep tissue penetration. LEDs are a non-coherent and divergent light source, meaning the light radiates in all directions. While LEDs can switch quickly, they can’t super-pulse.

Comparing Laser Light and LEDs

One of the most important differences between the light emitted by an LED and that of a laser is the LED light is non-coherent and divergent. Because LED light is divergent, it wastes more energy and requires more specialized optics to focus the available energy into the desired areas. Alternatively, lasers waste less energy and can precisely target a treatment area more effectively.

  • Low divergence: Lasers are ideal for targeting specific areas of the body as they have a low divergence.
  • Coherence: Laser light is coherent, while LED light isn’t.
  • Efficiency: Laser light is significantly more effective and efficient at delivering energy to the body’s tissues.

Laser light can transmit energy with fewer errors than LEDs

Are Lasers More Effective Than LEDs?

Therapeutic depth is the process of delivering an adequate amount of light energy to the treatment area to improve symptoms. Lasers are significantly more efficient at reaching a therapeutic depth and properly delivering energy. Because a significant amount of light energy is lost as it passes through the body’s tissues, the laser must have a higher initial power at the surface, improving the laser’s ability to provide adequate amounts of energy at various depths.

Applications for Low-Level Laser Therapy

Low-level laser therapy is a versatile treatment that can improve various medical conditions. Cold laser therapy, also known as a cold laser treatment, is a fast and painless process that can relieve multiple symptoms. Another benefit of cold laser therapy is that it’s non-pharmacological, meaning laser therapy can help manage painful symptoms and be a helpful alternative to opioid medications.

Physicians regularly use laser treatments because it’s safe and effective. Additionally, laser treatments can help patients avoid extensive surgery, often accompanied by a lengthy recovery period and painful side effects. While traditional surgery may be necessary in some cases, it’s often recommended to avoid extensive surgery if a non-invasive treatment option exists. 

Common low-level laser treatments include:

Benefits of Low-Level Laser Therapy

Low-level laser treatments are a practical option for those looking to contour the body or treat chronic pain or foot fungus. A typical low-level laser treatment is performed in approximately 30 to 40 minutes but will vary from patient to patient. Most patients receive three laser treatments a week for two weeks, totaling six treatments in all. However, the total number of procedures will depend on what you’re having treated.

Because laser treatments are non-surgical, patients experience no pain or discomfort during treatment and can immediately return to their daily activities. Additionally, non-surgical fat loss treatments don’t require incisions, shortening downtime and preventing any potential scarring. Unlike traditional procedures, laser treatments don’t need any form of anesthesia, making the recovery period significantly shorter. 

In general, non-invasive therapies can provide effective treatments while prioritizing patient safety.

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Erchonia Is the World Leader in Low-Level Laser Technology

Erchonia is committed to the advancement of low-level laser therapy through clinical and scientific research. We’re committed to quality — not compromise — and pride ourselves on the rigorous process we follow to provide a viable treatment modality. We’re the world leader in low-level laser technology and are proud to offer effective, safe solutions designed for health clinics, physical therapists, chiropractors and veterinarians worldwide.

Our products include lasers for fat loss, lasers for pain and lasers for foot fungus. We strive to provide our clients with the highest level of products and customer service possible. Our clinical research shows the safety, efficacy and efficiency of low-level laser treatments.

Learn more about low-level laser treatments and find a provider near you or contact us today.

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How Erchonia Low Level Laser Therapy Works

Laser Therapy for Chronic Back Pain

Chronic back pain is a common condition that affects many people each year, causing discomfort and even a limited range of motion. Traditionally, chronic back pain is often treated with invasive procedures or even spinal surgery. With continuing advancements in technology, laser therapy has become an effective and non-invasive chronic back pain treatment alternative.

Utilizing state-of-the-art laser technology, low-level laser treatments for chronic back pain can improve uncomfortable symptoms and restore a proper range of motion. One of the best benefits of laser therapy for chronic back pain is that it’s non-invasive, meaning patients often have a significantly shorter recovery time than patients who undergo traditional treatments or surgery.

What Is Chronic Back Pain?

Back pain is a common medical condition numerous individuals may face at some point in their lives. Many cases of back pain are acute, which means they may develop suddenly due to an injury or accident, but the pain typically doesn’t last longer than six months. On the other hand, chronic back pain is when the pain may occur in episodes or persists for an extended amount of time.

Chronic back pain may come, go or even remain persistently without relief. In severe cases of chronic back pain, patients may experience difficulty performing daily activities and even walking or sitting. There are many potential causes of chronic back pain, including:

  • Herniated or ruptured discs: The spinal discs are the pads between the spine’s vertebrae that help prevent the spinal bones from grinding against one another. A slipped, herniated or ruptured disc can cause severe chronic back pain.
  • Arthritis: Spinal arthritis can cause inflammation along the facet joints in the spine and the sacroiliac joints situated between the spine and pelvis. Spinal arthritis can be painful and cause chronic symptoms.
  • Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis of the spine occurs from long-term wear and tear on the cartilage of the joints and discs of the spine. In some cases, spinal osteoarthritis can cause spurs to develop, putting pressure on the nerves leaving the spinal column.
  • Muscle or ligament strain: Repeated or sudden movements can strain the muscles and ligaments of the back, damaging the surrounding structures. A muscle or ligament strain can cause severe ongoing pain and discomfort until it’s treated appropriately.

Sections of the Spinal Column

There are four areas of your spinal column, each with a different name and region. Understanding what portion of the spine you’re experiencing chronic pain in is the first step towards receiving adequate treatment. The four sections of the spine include:

  • Cervical spine: The cervical spine refers to the uppermost portion of the spine along the neck region consisting of seven vertebrae, separated by intervertebral discs.
  • Thoracic spine: The thoracic spine is in the middle and upper back and contains 12 vertebrae.
  • Lumbar spine: The lumbar spine is composed of five vertebrae located in the lower portion of the spinal column.
  • Sacrum: The sacrum is positioned at the base of the lumbar spine and connects to the pelvis. The sacrum helps to stabilize the pelvis and forms the posterior pelvic wall.

laser treatment for back pain

Laser Therapy for Chronic Back Pain

Low-level laser therapy, commonly known as cold laser therapy, is an effective and non-invasive treatment to reduce chronic back pain. The innovative laser technology used during a low-level laser treatment can reduce back pain through a process known as bio-stimulation. This alternative chronic back pain treatment carries no risk.

Approximately 65 million Americans have reported a recent episode of back pain. With back pain being a widespread issue, innovative non-invasive treatments are often necessary to alleviate discomfort and improve quality of life. Cold laser treatments utilize precise laser technology that allows physicians to target the source of back pain to promote healing and improve symptoms. As a result, patients can reduce their back pain without many of the downsides that come with traditional surgeries and other treatment methods.

Effectiveness of Lasers for Chronic Back Pain

Laser treatments for chronic back pain can alleviate pain, discomfort and limited mobility associated with low back pain. While one of the most obvious and beneficial aspects of laser treatments is that they can provide pain relief, laser treatments also offer other health benefits.

  • Precise and quick: Low-level laser therapy can target the source of back pain with the utmost precision. As a precise treatment option, cold laser therapy is an effective procedure that a physician can perform quickly and efficiently.
  • Non-pharmacological: Traditional non-invasive back pain treatments often use pain medicine, such as opioids, which can be dangerous and lead to dependency. Low-level laser treatments can offer relief from chronic back pain without introducing pain medication.
  • Safe and effective: Cold laser treatments are a safe, non-invasive treatment for back pain with little to no potential side effects or complications. An effective chronic back pain treatment, low-level laser therapy doesn’t use surgical incisions to relieve back pain.
  • No downtime: Because cold laser therapy is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment option, patients can quickly return to their daily activities and often experience little to no downtime.
  • Customizable: Another unique aspect of laser treatments is that they’re fully customizable, so a doctor can alter the treatment to fit their patients’ specific needs for the procedure.
  • Endorphin release: The technology used during a low-level laser treatment can trigger the release of endorphins. A release of endorphins can help minimize pain and discomfort throughout the back and body.
  • Inflammation and swelling: A laser treatment can help reduce inflammation, swelling and edemas. Inflammation within the back often places pressure on tender muscles, tissues and nerves, which can cause or worsen chronic back pain.
  • Muscle and nerves: Cold laser therapy can help damaged muscle tissue and nerves. By increasing the production of growth factors, low-level laser therapy can stimulate the nerves and muscles to heal, improving painful symptoms related to a muscle or nerve injury.
  • Blood flow: Proper circulation is an essential aspect that helps your body heal. Low-level laser treatments can stimulate local circulation to restore proper blood flow and healing processes.

Low-Level Laser Treatments for Chronic Back Pain

At Erchonia®, we believe in the seemingly limitless potential use and applications of low-level laser technology. Our team is committed to advancing cold laser treatments through the scientific and clinical research that has transformed our company into a world leader in the field of low-level laser technology. We’re proud to offer the most innovative, state-of-the-art lasers with a continued commitment to quality, integrity and diligence.

Related Reading: How Does Laser Therapy Work for Pain?

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How Erchonia Low Level Laser Therapy Works

Laser Therapy for Acute Back Pain

Laser therapy for acute back pain is an effective treatment modality that does not require extensive downtime or a prolonged recovery period. Acute back pain is a common problem that often develops after an accident or injury. Low-level laser therapy is an effective and non-invasive treatment to help alleviate various painful symptoms related to a lower back injury.

While traditional laser therapy uses hot lasers that can warm the tissues and muscles, low-level laser therapy uses a laser that does not heat the tissues. Because low-level laser therapy does not heat the skin or tissues, it minimizes the risk of potential side effects.

What Is Acute Back Pain?

Back pain is a common condition, and it can take two forms — chronic back pain and acute back pain. Chronic back pain is an ongoing issue where back pain may come and go throughout life or persist for extended periods of time. Acute back pain often develops suddenly and is usually triggered by something specific, such as an injury or accident.

In most cases, acute pain does not last longer than six months and typically resolves when the underlying cause of pain is treated. Acute back pain may develop due to a fracture, damaged spinal disc, spinal stenosis, sprains, tears or other injuries related to the spine and lower back. While sudden pain may be the most obvious sign of acute back pain, there can be several symptoms, including:

  • Aches: Some instances of acute lower back pain may also cause a dull aching sensation in the lower back. This general soreness may occur alongside pain or discomfort.
  • Stinging: A stinging, burning or even sharp stabbing sensation can occur due to several causes of lower back pain. Sudden shooting pain is often a sign of a back injury or acute back pain.
  • Inability to stand or sit for extended periods: Some patients with acute back pain experience a smaller range of motion, causing them to be unable to stand or sit comfortably for extended periods of time. Acute back pain can make walking or sitting uncomfortable and difficult.
  • Muscle spasms: Muscle spasms, tightness and contractions can develop in the lower back and hips, often worsening pain from a sore or sensitive back. In addition to causing pain, muscle spasms can be generally uncomfortable and make sitting or lying down difficult.
  • Limited mobility: Depending on the severity of lower back pain, some patients may experience a decreased range of motion and limited mobility. Acute back pain can sometimes make sitting upright or even walking painful or impossible.
  • Radiating pain: In some cases, acute back pain may travel throughout the lower body. Patients may experience a radiating pain or discomfort that originates in the lower back but travels through the pelvis, hips, thighs and even lower legs.

Laser Therapy for Acute Back Pain

Low-level laser therapy, commonly known as cold laser therapy, is an innovative back pain treatment that uses specific wavelengths of light to penetrate the body’s tissues and stimulate the healing process. Cold laser therapy is exceptionally useful for treating instances of acute back pain. Patients can experience relief of acute back pain with this treatment modality because it can help reduce inflammation, swelling and edema.

cold laser therapy is useful for treating instances of acute back pain

In addition to its ability to reduce swelling, laser therapy can reduce muscle contractions or spasms that limit mobility while helping to restore a proper range of motion and functionality. Experts estimate that approximately 80% of Americans will experience back pain in their lifetimes. Because back pain is such a prevalent medical complication, it is important that effective treatments are available to improve symptoms.

Effectiveness of Lasers for Acute Back Pain

Low-level laser therapy uses laser technology of varying wavelengths to penetrate the skin and relieve acute back pain. Physicians can target injured or damaged areas of the back with the utmost precision during a cold laser treatment. The wavelength used or length of the laser treatment will vary on an individual basis and depend on the injured area’s severity and size.

In addition to alleviating discomfort and painful symptoms, low-level laser therapy can help provide numerous other benefits. A laser-based back treatment can help relieve pain without the need for surgery or intensive treatments. Some of the most common benefits of laser therapy for acute back pain include:

  • Reduced inflammation: Inflammation can cause additional pressure to build around sensitive nerves or muscles, worsening painful or uncomfortable symptoms. Laser therapy can effectively reduce inflammation or swelling that may contribute to or worsen back pain.
  • Non-invasive: One of the most important aspects of laser therapy for back pain is that it is a non-invasive treatment modality that can improve symptoms related to acute back pain. Because laser therapy is non-invasive, patients can quickly return to daily activities and do not have to worry about an extensive recovery time that is often associated with surgery or more invasive treatments.
  • Expedited recovery: Laser therapy for acute back pain can expedite the recovery process and help regenerate damaged bone and tissue. Low-level laser treatments can also help stimulate the production of fibroblasts, which are cells that are essential to collagen production and play an important role in your body’s natural healing cycle.
  • Improved blood circulation: A laser treatment can help stimulate blood flow and restore proper circulation to painful areas of the back. Adequate circulation and blood flow are essential to your body being able to heal itself.
  • Accuracy: Laser treatments are highly accurate because they use innovative technology to precisely target the source of acute back pain. Prompt, effective laser treatments can minimize painful symptoms and help patients heal more quickly from back discomfort.
  • Stimulated nerve regeneration: Low-level laser therapy can relieve acute back pain by stimulating regeneration of damaged or unhealthy nerves. Laser therapy can help optimize nerve regeneration and recovery by facilitating your body’s natural production of growth factors.
  • Faster recovery time: Cold laser therapy uses revolutionary laser technology to expedite the recovery process and reduce the overall downtime associated with acute back pain. In addition to minimizing discomfort, the goal of laser therapy is to help patients return to their daily life comfortably and as quickly as possible.

Trust the World Leaders in Low-Level Laser Technology

Erchonia is a leader in the field of low-level laser technology with a commitment to integrity, quality and diligence. We prioritize quality in every aspect of our business, with a strong belief in the various potential applications of low-level laser technology. Our team of experts remains committed to furthering the advancement of laser technology through extensive scientific resources and clinical studies.

Browse our products or contact us online today to learn more about low-level laser technology and its many benefits.

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Benefits of Implementing Laser Therapy in Your Practice

If you’re looking for new ways to provide effective treatments for your patients, laser therapy has numerous benefits. Also known as cold laser therapy, low-level laser therapy is an innovative treatment modality that can effectively improve the symptoms of many medical conditions. By investing in revolutionary laser technology, your practice can stand apart from competitors and increase patient satisfaction.

5 Laser Therapy Benefits for Your Practice

These days, it’s often smart to be on the cutting edge of new medical treatments, as you always want to be able to meet your patients’ ever-changing needs. However, adding innovative health solutions takes time and effort, so you want to be sure you’re making the correct decision. Knowing the benefits of laser therapy for a practice will help you understand further why laser therapy can be a terrific choice.

1. Provide Effective Treatments

Innovative laser technology can treat lower back pain, plantar fasciitis, neck and shoulder pain, toenail fungus, fat loss and many other medical conditions. It offers your practice a way to provide highly effective treatments that can successfully improve symptoms without the long downtime or side effects that some traditional procedures or surgeries may carry. One of the main benefits of low-level laser therapy is that it uses lower wavelengths and frequencies, which protects the tissue.

2. Offer Non-Invasive Therapies

Many patients may seek out non-invasive treatments and therapies to improve chronic pain and other health concerns. These treatments can relieve painful symptoms without patients having to undergo extensive surgery or traditional therapies, prioritizing a shorter recovery period. As a result, many patients seek out non-invasive treatment modalities because they provide a noticeable relief of symptoms without the lengthy downtime associated with traditional surgery.

3. Generate Additional Revenue

Investing in low-laser technology can help your practice generate additional revenue and attract new patients. Upgrading equipment in your practice can also help save money. Some older or outdated equipment may not perform as well as newer or more efficient technology, which can deter patients who are looking for effective and accessible treatments.

By investing in high-quality, state-of-the-art equipment, you can increase efficiency and productivity in your practice. Providing patients with a smooth, seamless experience can help create lasting relationships with clients and encourage repeat business, which will potentially make you more money.

4. Integrate Innovative Technology

Modernizing your practice with innovative technology allows you to treat a wider range of conditions. Low-level lasers often allow you to provide comprehensive treatments with fewer pieces of equipment than some traditional treatments require. Consolidating the amount of equipment you need can help you maximize your practice’s productivity.

In addition to minimizing the equipment needed, cold laser therapy is a fully customizable treatment. Allowing you to adjust treatments for patients, many patients prefer these types of treatment because they can experience impressive results tailored to them. There are even ways for practitioners to combine multiple laser treatments into one procedure for the best results possible.

5. Prioritize Patient Safety

Both patient safety and satisfaction are of the utmost importance for any practice. Integrating laser technology can minimize potential treatment risks and negative side effects for patients, ensuring their safety during and after a laser treatment. Traditional cosmetic surgeries or procedures typically require incisions, stitches and anesthesia, raising the potential risk of an adverse reaction.

Additionally, standard pain relief treatments often include opioid pain relievers, which patients can potentially misuse. The short- and long-term use of pain relievers can cause many adverse side effects. To prioritize patient safety and health, medical professionals should consider non-surgical treatments whenever possible.

implementing laser therapy in your practice

Implementing Laser Healing Therapy in Your Practice

By adding laser treatments to your practice, you can diversify the range of conditions you treat and grow your patient base. When implementing laser technology into your practice, it’s important to keep a few considerations in mind:

  • Understanding patient needs: First and foremost, it’s essential you understand your patients’ demographics and unique needs. When considering laser equipment, you’ll want to make sure your patients may need and benefit from this treatment.
  • Educate staff on new equipment: As you prepare to incorporate low-level laser treatments into your practice, you’ll want to ensure all staff members are educated and informed about the new services you’ll be offering.
  • Market your services: Let existing patients and potential patients know you’re now offering unique laser treatments. In-office pamphlets, emails and other forms of marketing can help spread the word about your new equipment and services.

Erchonia Laser Types

Erchonia is a leading manufacturer and provider of low-level lasers, which are market cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the use of foot fungus, chronic back pain and other health concerns. The innovative technology of an Erchonia laser allows you to offer patients an effective treatment without the potential adverse side effects that often occur with traditional surgery.

Cold Lasers for Pain

Cold laser therapy utilizes different wavelengths and outputs of light to the targeted treatment area. As the body absorbs this light, a physiological reaction promotes the regeneration of unhealthy or damaged cells. Cold lasers are designed to precisely target muscles and tissues to stimulate the body’s natural healing cycle.

Many low-level laser therapies for pain use different wavelengths, providing various forms of healing and improving treatment versatility. This flexibility allows medical professionals to use a single device to effectively treat a broad range of causes that may lead to chronic back pain. Additionally, the versatility of low-level laser treatment can help medical providers customize a treatment for each patient, creating a unique regimen designed around their personal needs.


LASERSculpting uses revolutionary laser technology to provide body contouringcellulite treatments and more. Non-invasive body contouring can treat stubborn areas of fat that don’t respond to traditional diet and exercise. An important benefit of cold laser body contouring is that it can provide noticeable results without the risks of traditional cosmetic surgery.

Low-Level Lasers for Foot Fungus

Low-level laser therapy can be an effective treatment for onychomycosis, more commonly referred to as nail fungus. While this fungal infection typically occurs on the feet and toenails, it can also occur on the fingernails. Cold laser therapy is a safe and easy-to-use treatment modality that can target the cause of toenail fungus at its source.

The wavelengths and frequencies used during cold laser treatments are significantly lower than traditional methods and don’t warm the skin. Therefore, this low-level technology can ensure that only a fungal infection is targeted and treated while preserving the health and integrity of surrounding tissues and structures.

World Leaders in Low-Level Laser Technology

Erchonia remains committed to furthering the advancement of cold laser therapy through rigorous scientific and clinical studies to prove the efficacy and efficiency of low-level laser therapy. We care about clinicians and patients, so we strive to provide extensive research performed under strict clinical trial conditions. Incorporating cold laser technology into your practice can help you provide your patients with effective treatments without the pain or risk associated with traditional lasers.

Learn more about low-level laser treatments for your practice and fill out a contact form today or call 321-473-1251.

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Alternative Treatments for Chronic Shoulder Pain

Surgery and pain medication are common solutions to shoulder pain, but they come with some concerns. The use of opioids for pain management and invasive surgeries with lengthy recovery periods cause numerous people to seek alternative forms of treatment for their shoulder pain. Fortunately, you have many safe options available, including laser therapy for shoulder pain, to help you lead a pain-free life.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the best alternative treatments so you can manage your shoulder pain without the use of drugs or surgery. 

What Is Chronic Shoulder Pain?

Chronic shoulder pain includes consistent, unpleasant sensations in one’s shoulder over an extended time, whether it be weeks, months or even years. Inflammation is a typical bodily response to exertion and aggravation, but it could seem impossible to overcome the pain from chronic shoulder inflammation. If you’re suffering from chronic shoulder pain, you should be careful to avoid overexertion, as this movement could lead to even higher levels of discomfort.

When suffering from chronic shoulder pain, you could feel pain from simple daily movements or more complex actions, including lifting, pulling or pushing. Something as simple as raising your hand over your head could result in excruciating pain. This discomfort is why people desire a real solution, but many are unaware that other answers to chronic shoulder pain exist besides painful surgeries and prescription painkillers.

5 Ways to treat shoulder pain without surgery or medication

5 Ways to Treat Shoulder Pain Without Surgery or Pain Medication

You can skip the scars left behind from surgery and the adverse side effects of opioids in treating your chronic shoulder pain by engaging in the right activities and alternative treatments. From exercise to laser therapy, you can explore many options to relieve pain. Be sure to consult your doctor before you make any decisions so you choose the safest treatment for your individual condition.

1. Exercise 

Exercising is part of a healthy mental and physical lifestyle, and exercising your shoulder can help treat your shoulder pain. Regular exercise of joints and muscles is crucial in improving strength and flexibility, helping decrease pain in your shoulder while increasing movement and reducing how quickly you experience fatigue.

Talk to your doctor about exercises that could help treat your chronic shoulder pain. Trying out the wrong exercises could damage your joints or increase the inflammation you’re experiencing. However, undergoing the right regimen can help return some strength to your shoulder and decrease your pain levels. Experiment with light exercise before you jump into intense workouts to protect your shoulder.

2. Hot and Cold Therapies

Many people apply hot or cold packs to the body to treat inflamed areas. This remedy can provide some relief from stiffness and pain, although the results can be temporary. As a result, those with chronic pain may want to seek out more permanent treatments to improve their quality of life for good.

Try using a cold pack on your shoulder to reduce inflammation and manage flare-ups when they occur. If you want to relax the muscles in your shoulder while increasing blood flow, you should apply heat to the area. A soak in warm or cold water can provide similar results. Both forms of temperature-assisted therapies can help you find some relief during the most difficult moments of shoulder pain. 

3. Injections

Ask your doctor about anesthetic or cortisone injections for the treatment of your chronic shoulder pain. Many people use injections to manage their pain while waiting for their surgery date, but you can use them to control your pain without having upcoming surgery, as well. It depends on your condition. 

Some may view injections as a “band-aid” instead of a holistic answer to chronic shoulder pain. However, the process could give you positive results for as long as the injection remains effective. When it wears off, you’ll have to schedule another appointment to keep the inflammation at bay. 

4. Physical and Occupational Therapy

Physical and occupational therapy programs can give you a personalized experience in treating your chronic shoulder pain. The goal of physical therapy is to achieve long-term results that can increase your quality of life. Treatments include the use of special exercises, equipment and massages to help you regain the pain-free use of your shoulder while resisting further decline. 

Physical therapy is a long process, but it could provide exceptional results depending on your situation. Talk to your doctor to see if this treatment is right for you. 

5. Laser Therapy

Can laser therapy work for shoulder pain? In recent years, it’s become a popular method for treating chronic shoulder pain. This method provides similar results to corticosteroid injections, leading to significant improvements in shoulder pain. However, laser therapy is more comfortable and bearable than shots or surgery, so many people with chronic pain are now looking into this option. For those with intense shoulder pain, laser therapy can provide lasting results in an innovative way.

How Does Laser Therapy Work for Shoulder Pain?

Laser therapy works for shoulder pain by stimulating the mitochondria of the cells in the affected area. The low-level laser equipment uses cold, gentle light instead of heat or radiation to penetrate the targeted area, encouraging your cells to repair themselves at a faster rate than they would without the laser treatment. The best part is that the treatment is non-invasive, meaning you can avoid scars, long recovery periods, anesthesia and prescription pain medication. 

As you proceed with your laser therapy treatments, you may start to experience a decrease in your inflammation. These results can help you regain the use of your shoulder with less pain and more maneuverability. All it takes is relaxing for several minutes as your doctor applies the laser equipment to the specific area. Talk to your doctor today to see if laser therapy is the right choice for your shoulder pain. 

Erchonia low level laser equipment for the treatment of chronic pain

Learn More About Laser Treatment for Shoulder Pain From Erchonia

Erchonia is your solution for low-level laser equipment for the treatment of chronic pain. Our business model includes never compromising on quality while staying on the cutting-edge of the laser therapy industry. We engage in clinical trials and other research because we care about your experience with our products and your increased quality of life as a result of your treatments. 

Whether you want to find an Erchonia treatment provider for your shoulder pain or offer Erchonia to your patients to serve them better, we’re the low-level laser solution for you. Contact us today to find a provider or to learn more about our products. We look forward to helping you or your patients work toward a pain-free life.

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Laser Therapy and Chiropractic Care: How They Work Together

Chiropractic care is a branch of medicine that focuses on detecting and correcting misalignments in the body that cause pain or discomfort. A chiropractor is a professional trained to diagnose and manually manipulate parts of the body to provide relief from acute or chronic pain. Chiropractors commonly work with the joints of the body, especially those of the neck, shoulders and back.

Manual manipulation of the body and joints is an effective treatment that can relieve pain, stiffness and other uncomfortable symptoms associated with chronic or acute pain. As technology continues to develop, chiropractors are implementing the latest and most innovative treatments for their patients. Chiropractic laser therapy combines chiropractic care with laser treatments to provide patients with additional relief from uncomfortable symptoms due to chronic pain.

What Is Laser Therapy Paired With Chiropractic Treatment?

Chiropractors have begun implementing laser technology to help patients find relief from discomfort, including joint pain and lower back pain. The lasers used by chiropractors are generally cold laser treatments, which may also be known as low-level laser treatments or cold therapy. Cold laser therapy is an innovative treatment modality that can reduce inflammation and pain while promoting your body’s natural healing response.

Unlike traditional high-intensity lasers, cold lasers do not generate enough heat to warm the skin and are a gentler treatment option. Laser therapy paired with chiropractic care is an effective treatment that can manage pain levels, stimulate nerve regeneration and ease inflammation to help patients heal from injuries or chronic pain.

How Do Laser Therapy and Chiropractic Care Work Together?

Laser therapy uses specific wavelengths of light to treat an injury or ailment causing pain to the body. Laser therapy can help stimulate your body’s natural healing processes and reduce recovery time from an accident or injury. Cold lasers are devices that administer focused light waves to the treatment area to penetrate through the skin and tissues.

In most cases, a laser treatment only takes a few minutes for a chiropractor to apply, but treatment times vary depending on the size of the treatment area. Chiropractors use laser technology to target the treatment area more precisely. Cold laser therapy can pinpoint a treatment area more accurately and deliver effective treatment to promote healing and reduce downtime associated with chronic pain.

what can laser therapy treat?

What Can Laser Therapy Paired With Chiropractic Care Treat?

Research estimates that approximately 20% of adults in the world deal with chronic pain, with 10% being newly diagnosed annually. Many people who deal with chronic pain are looking for innovative treatments that are non-invasive but provide relief to persistent pain or discomfort. Cold laser therapy combined with chiropractic care is an effective treatment that can help relieve pain and discomfort from various conditions.

As research continues, cold laser therapy has been shown to provide numerous health benefits and be a versatile treatment that can improve symptoms of many conditions, both acute and chronic. During a cold laser treatment, energy from the light enters the tissues and stimulates cellular interactions that can increase your body’s natural healing speed and provide pain relief. Cold laser therapy can also address:

  • Inflammation: One of the most popular benefits of cold laser therapy is that it can help reduce swelling and can treat edemas. An inflammation treatment can reduce swelling and alleviate any pain that inflammation may cause as it places additional pressure on surrounding nerves and tissues.
  • Sprains: Cold therapy is an effective treatment for sprains and other sports-related injuries. Low-level light therapy can improve blood flow to areas that have poor circulation, promoting a sprain to heal more quickly.
  • Strains: Common muscle and tissue strains can be improved with a low-level laser treatment. Cold therapy can help improve symptoms of a muscle strain, including potential swelling and acute pain.
  • Bursitis: Bursitis is a type of inflammation that affects fluid-filled pads that are meant to cushion your joints. Cold therapy can be an effective treatment to manage and improve the symptoms of bursitis.
  • Tendonitis: Cold therapy is a useful non-invasive treatment for tendonitis. Patients looking for relief without undergoing traditional surgery seek laser therapy to help with their tendonitis.
  • Arthritis pain: Low-level laser therapy is an effective way to manage pain associated with arthritic joints. Patients can find relief from arthritis and osteoarthritis pain with cold laser treatments.

Treating Chronic Neck and Back Pain With Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy is an effective treatment modality to improve chronic neck and back pain. On average, 8% of adults experience persistent or recurring chronic back pain. Low-level laser treatments are a muscle and tissue treatment that uses innovative lasers to uniquely target and treat areas of chronic pain in the neck, back and body.

In most cases, a treatment for chronic neck and shoulder pain or back pain with cold therapy only takes 10 minutes. Cold laser treatments are a quick, effective way to target areas of chronic pain precisely and with greater accuracy. Depending on the area you are looking to treat or if you are treating multiple areas, your session time may be longer.

Benefits of Laser Therapy and Chiropractic Care

Cold laser therapy is a versatile treatment that can provide numerous benefits for those experiencing acute or chronic pain. One of the most popular benefits of laser therapy paired with chiropractic care is that low-level treatments are non-invasive and do not require downtime that many surgical or invasive treatment modalities do. Additionally, cold laser treatments are quick and can help alleviate pain efficiently and promptly and provide numerous other benefits, like:

  • Provide relief for chronic pain: One of the main benefits of light therapy is that it can alleviate pain and improve discomfort. Cold laser treatments utilize innovative laser technology to target treatment areas at varying depths.
  • Reduce edemas: In addition to its ability to alleviate pain, cold laser treatments can also reduce inflammation, swelling and the presence of edemas. Swelling in the body can apply pressure to surrounding areas and cause additional discomfort if left untreated.
  • Stimulate local blood circulation: Laser treatments can help improve local blood circulation and restore proper blood flow in the soft tissues.
  • Offer accuracy: Because cold therapy uses state-of-the-art laser technology, chiropractors can more precisely target a treatment area to alleviate pain and discomfort. Higher accuracy allows for more effective treatment of chronic pain.
  • Promote faster recovery: Cold laser treatments can expedite your body’s natural healing cycle by stimulating the production of fibroblasts. These cells can promote the production of collagen and play a vital role in the body’s process of healing injuries or wounds.
  • Trigger endorphins: A laser treatment can increase the production of your body’s natural endorphins, which can help ease pain and discomfort throughout the body.
  • Stimulate bone formation: Research has shown that low-intensity laser light therapy can have stimulating effects on bone cells. Additionally, light therapy can accelerate the overall healing and repair process of the bone.
  • Promote nerve regeneration: Cold laser therapy has also been shown to promote the regeneration of nerves by increasing the production of growth factors, helping to achieve proper nerve recovery.
  • Improve muscles: Laser therapy can help improve overall muscle health by stimulating muscle cells to regenerate and heal. Laser treatments can help improve symptoms of aching or painful muscles.

Erchonia laser therapy and chiropractic treatment

Erchonia Laser Therapy and Chiropractic Treatment

At Erchonia, we offer the latest and most innovative lasers for pain management that are easy to use and painless to apply. Low-level lasers are a revolutionary treatment modality that can spur life-changing results with quick and simple treatment. Our goal is to provide the highest-quality lasers and prioritize quality in all we do.

We conduct extensive research in clinical trials to ensure our state-of-the-art lasers are an effective and safe treatment modality to improve various conditions and manage pain. To learn more about our laser treatments and lasers for pain management, contact us online today.

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How Erchonia Low Level Laser Therapy Works