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New Clinical Trial Proves Erchonia’s Verjú Laser System Safely and Effectively Improves the Appearance of Cellulite

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Contact: Katie Cycan
Crier Communications
310-274-1072 x 207
New Clinical Trial Proves Erchonia’s Verjú Laser System Safely and Effectively Improves the Appearance of Cellulite
McKinney, TX – June 24, 2013 – Erchonia today announces its new Verjú low level laser system has been proven to safely and effectively treat cellulite in a double blind, randomized, multi-site and placebo-controlled clinical trial. In just two weeks with six treatments of Erchonia’s Verjú laser system, patients experienced a significant improvement in the appearance of cellulite in their thighs, buttocks and lower abdomen when compared with those treated with the placebo laser.
In the clinical trial, not only did the Verjú laser system improve the appearance of cellulite, but pre and post measurements showed it also significantly reduced the circumference of the waist, hips and thighs.
Dr. Robert Jackson, MD, who served as the lead investigator for the study, comments, “In contrast to other technologies, Verjú is non-invasive, safe and effective as a standalone procedure for significantly improving the appearance of cellulite after only two weeks.”
Charlie Shanks, vice president of Erchonia, adds, “Cellulite is present in 90 percent of post-adolescent women. Until now there has not been a proven non-invasive procedure to help with the appearance of cellulite. With this clinical trial, Erchonia’s Verjú laser system is now proven option to help with the appearance of those pesky dimples.”
Erchonia’s Verjú laser system is made up of five low level laser beams that sweep the area of concern for a total treatment period of 30 minutes. Without incisions, pain or even heat, the low level laser emulsifies adipose tissue beneath the skin to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Patients can continue their daily routines immediately following treatment, and there is no downtime or pain whatsoever.
Erchonia has been studying the effects of low level laser therapy on fat cells for over a decade. Erchonia’s Zerona laser iscleared by the FDA for the circumference reduction of the arms and the waist, hips and thighs. Other Erchonia lasers are FDA cleared for liposuction and breast augmentation assistance and the reduction of associated pain; for chronic neck and shoulder pain treatment; and for the treatment of acne.
For more information, please visit www.erchonia.com.
About Erchonia

Erchonia is the global leader in low level laser healthcare applications. Over the last 15 years Erchonia has been conducting research and development with the world’s leading physicians to advance the science of low level lasers. Prior to market introduction, all Erchonia lasers are proven safe and effective through independent clinical trials. Currently thousands of Erchonia’s lasers are used daily to reduce body fat, eliminate pain, and treat acne. For additional information, visitwww.erchonia.com