Erchonia, the global leader in low level laser healthcareapplications, today announces the company is expanding with a London-based team, Erchonia Laser Ltd.
This experienced management and sales team will handle European sales for all of Erchonia’s laser products including Zerona, Lunula, Verju, and the new XLR8 handheld device.
Steven Shanks, president of Erchonia, comments, “We are excited to expand the Erchonia brand in Europe. The research supporting Erchonia’s lasers and their level of technological advancement make them exceptionally-suited to the European market. The added focus of a dedicated direct sales staff will help fuel an even stronger growth projection for Erchonia in 2014.”
For more information, please visit www.erchonia.com.
About Erchonia
Erchonia is the global leader in low level laser healthcare applications. Over the last 15 years, Erchonia has been conducting research and development with the world’s leading physicians to advance the science of low level lasers. Prior to market introduction, all Erchonia lasers are proven safe and effective through independent level 1 clinical trials. Erchonia has garnered eight FDA 510 (k) market clearances and has several other products in research and development for new applications. Currently thousands of Erchonia’s lasers are used daily to reduce body fat, eliminate pain, and treat acne. For additional information, visit www.erchonia.com.
Contact: Katie Cycan
Crier Communications
310-274-1072 x 207